After health and well being, our goal for the puppies and Scout continues to be a good transition to their new homes.
In reading books and websites and looking at a gazillion theories on puppy care, I was beginning to go cross-eyed. We finally decided to throw it all out and let the puppies and Scout guide us through the process.
This week, I'm feeling really good about that decision. She has been nursing the puppies less and less and despite our attempts to bribe her to lay in the whelping box more, she is resistant.
So, it must be weaning time!
Softened puppy food was introduced this week. I wasn't sure how it would go, if the puppies would need a lot of help learning. But they took right to it!
One side of the whelping box is open now so that the puppies can come and go as they please.
We continue to keep the bedding in the box super clean and now have newspapers placed right outside the box so that they go as soon as they wake up. They are doing surprisingly well with that too. Soon, they'll learn to go outside, but for now this is a great step for not quite 4 weeks yet.
Also this week we introduced the puppies to the crate. It stays open and will allow the puppies to go in and out to explore it. If a few of them are in the crate, we close the door for a few minutes at a time so that they get used to the noise of the door closing behind them.
Scout seems thrilled with having her crate back, and with the new changes. And all of the puppies seem well adjusted too. All except this one pitiful little thing. Bless her.